Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Abaco Bahamas

Abaco Bahamas vacationAbaco Bahamas is the sailing and boating favorite among the Bahamas Islands. The major islands of this small archipelago are Great and Little Abaco, with the off-lying cays of Elbow Cay, Man-O-War Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Guana Cay, Stranger’s Cay, Umbrella Cay and Walker’s Cay completing the string. Somewhere in the 120-mile necklace of Abaco Bahamas islands, and often uninhabited cays and beaches, you’re sure to find the ideal private spot for some chilled champagne and a good book.

The Abaco Islands' sheltered harbours create a haven for yachtsmen and the slumber-struck alike. Here, colonial towns are gems of New England architecture waiting for those who love to roam secluded villages and taste a bit of history. For the action and adventure prone, surfing, diving, snorkelling and spectacular fishing await, as well as plenty to interest the nature lover, such as the Abaco forest, flora and fauna -- even special resorts for the ecotourist.

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